I’ve decided that 2019 is the Year of Me.

Call me selfish, call me pathetic, call me what you will – I’m not that bothered what you call me because this is the Year of Me!

There has been a lot of coverage of me-time and self-care for mothers (parents) lately and I’m a big fan. Sometimes I downright suck at parenting and it’s usually because I need some time out.

Just like when J throws tantrums or cries over ridiculous things (not being able to pull my big toe off my foot) and we know he needs a lie down, so when I get overwhelmed or impatient or cry over ridiculous things (Marie Kondo throwing out all the stuff) I know I need time away.

Time out, time away, time to myself.

I am finally at a place now where I feel like I can get some semblance of balance in my life. I am not pregnant or breastfeeding (which is weird for me), J is at school, S has a nanny for half the day so I can work, so I have time and space to focus on myself. (Well, as much as that will ever be possible)

Which is what this year is going to be about: my mental, physical and family health. What I can do for myself to make sure I’m the best mom/wife/me I can be.

How exactly am I going to do that?

I’m not sure. I have so many ideas but the trick will be to find the time to do them.

Any thoughts on what I should include in my Year of Me?

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